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Wooden Fish Sizzler Tray


Brand: SAI

Hurry! only 11 left in stock.
SKU: 778226 Categories: , Tags: ,


“Sizzling Brownie Plate , wooden base plated metal plate and wooden baseHow better than having Sizzling sundae or Hot fudge sundae or sizzling hot cake on a hot plate topped with chill ice cream and chocolate sauceThe sizzle and smoke would give you an adrenalin rush for sure. Though it looks like a fancy dish served at restaurants, its pretty simple to make at home and the satisfaction and praise that you get for making it from scratch is pricelessPrecaution after using iron plate: just wash it with hot water and scrub it with whatever you like. Dry it with a towel, and put it back on the burner. Allow the high heat to evaporate any remaining water left. When it cools again, apply a very light coat of oil to the plate with a paper towel. This will keep any moisture in the air from causing rust while the plates are stored. For any more minute details please read it on net.”

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Weight 0.700 kg


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